Embracing Confidence at 58: Greta’s Glamour Photography Experience

Elegant woman in a flowing gown, looking confident for a stunning glamour photography session

Glamour Photography

At 58, Greta Stanislawek is living proof that confidence and beauty only get better with age. As a proud mother, grandmother, and entrepreneur, she has navigated life’s many chapters with grace and resilience. When Greta approached me for a glamour photography session, her goal was clear: to celebrate this vibrant stage of her life and capture the essence of who she is today. Through this blog post, I’m thrilled to share Greta’s story, her stunning images, and the empowering experience she had in front of the camera.

Greta found me through my Radient 40 over 40 Project. If you’re a woman over 40 who wants a fun and empowering life-changing experience click HERE for more information.

Confident woman with blonde hair wearing a black business suit, thoughtfully posing for a professional glamour photography session

Why did you want to participate in this project?

I wanted to celebrate this chapter of my life and embrace my evolving identity as I navigate my 50s.

What were you personally hoping to gain from this experience?

I hoped to capture the essence of who I am today and to create something beautiful that reflects my journey.

What are you feeling now about being photographed? What was your favorite part about this process?

I feel empowered and more connected to myself. My favorite part was seeing myself through a different lens and appreciating the beauty in my own uniqueness.

What would you tell other women over 40 about doing something outside their comfort zone?

It’s never too late to try something new. Stepping out of your comfort zone is where growth happens—embrace it!

If you will describe to me an important turning point in your life, where everything was different after than it was before.

A significant turning point in my life was when I decided to start my own business in my late 40s. Up until that point, I had spent time support the family business and raising my children. Taking the leap to become an entrepreneur was both terrifying and exhilarating, but it completely transformed my life. I gained a sense of freedom and fulfillment that I hadn’t experienced before, and it allowed me to align my work with my passions and values. Everything changed after that—I became more confident, more focused, and more in tune with my true self.

Tell me about one of your favorite memories of all time.

One of my favorite memories is from summers at our family home, where we hosted friends and family almost every weekend. I took pride in tending to the garden and maintaining the pool, making sure everything was perfect so we could spend as much time outdoors as possible. Those weekends were filled with laughter, great conversations, and the simple joy of being together, surrounded by nature and the people I love.

Each decade brings wisdom…what’s something valuable you learned between 30-40? 40-50? 50-60?

30-40: I learned the importance of prioritizing my own needs and boundaries.
40-50: I discovered the power of resilience and how to bounce back from life’s challenges.
50-60: I’m learning to embrace change and to celebrate the wisdom and confidence that come with age.

If you didn’t live in the town you were in/had the job you had, what would you have done differently?

If I hadn’t settled where I am or pursued my current career, I think I would have traveled more extensively and perhaps lived abroad for a while. I’ve always had a passion for cultural experiences, and I could see myself working in a role that allowed me to connect with people from different backgrounds and learn from their perspectives.

How has your relationship to time changed as you have got older?

Time feels more precious now. It has slowed down in the sense that I’m more present and savoring moments, but it also feels like it’s moving faster as I recognize how quickly life passes by.

What is the one piece of advice would you give your 20-something self?

Trust the journey and don’t be afraid to take risks. Life has a way of working out, even when it doesn’t go according to plan.

When in your life, so far, have you felt most confident, and why?

I feel most confident now, in my 50s. I know who I am, what I want, and I’m not afraid to go after it.

Are there any myths you would like to bust about the over-40s? If so, can you tell us about them?

Yes! The idea that life slows down or becomes less exciting after 40 is simply not true. In fact, it’s just the beginning of a new, exciting chapter.

It would be really interesting to hear about any ambitions you have for the future. Have these ambitions changed since you turned 40?

I’m excited about continuing to grow my business and exploring new hobbies. My ambitions have become more focused on personal fulfillment and making a meaningful impact.

Do you have a favorite quote, by you or someone else?

Age is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” — Betty Friedan

Greta’s story is a powerful reminder that it’s never too late to embrace your unique beauty and celebrate who you are. Her glamour photography session was more than just a photo shoot—it was a transformative experience that allowed her to see herself in a new light. For women over 50, like Greta, who are considering stepping in front of the camera, I hope her journey inspires you to take that leap. Let this be the chapter where you embrace your confidence, celebrate your journey, and see your true beauty reflected back at you.


Sessions are available by appointment only.

Please call (647) 561-0118 or e-mail ellahrika@gmail.com to book your session.

With a charming studio located in Milton Ontario, and serving Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Oakville, Burlington, Georgetown, and Halton Hills

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