The 40 over 40 project – Photographing Women over 40 featuring Carole Aldred

I’m so passionate about photographing women. Mostly because of the amazing women I get to meet. When Carol first contacted me with an interest in participating in the 40 Over 40 Project she shared that she’d soon be turning 60!


Carol was in a great stage in her life. She finally had time to pursue some of her passion projects. She had recently become a published children’s author and was working on another book.

Photographing Women. A portrait of Carol Aldred

Photographing Women. A portrait of Carol Aldred

How did you feel before your session? Where are you nervous? How do you feel now?

I am really glad I did it. It was a wonderful experience.

A portrait of Carol Aldred

A portrait of Carol Aldred

Tell me about one of your favorite memories of all time.

My favorite memories of all time are the days when each of my three sons was born. Being a mother gave me strengths and instincts I didn’t know I had. Motherhood is by far one of my greatest joys.

Photographing Women. A portrait of Carol Aldred


Each decade brings wisdom. What’s something valuable you learned between 30 and 40? 40 and 50? 50 and 60?

In my 30s, I learned to let go of other people’s expectations of me and be more of my true self.

Then in my 40s, I learned to set boundaries without fear or guilt.

Lastly in my 50s, I learned the importance of self-care and creativity. I learned to take time for myself and not apologize for it.

This kind of wisdom is achieved over time.

Aging is not a lost youth but rather a new stage of opportunity and strength.

Photographing Women. A portrait of Carol Aldred

How has your relationship to time changed as you have got older?

Yes in that I don’t feel the push to hustle and rush around as much and I have the freedom to spend my time on what I want more. This is almost impossible when you are younger and raising children and establishing a career so in many ways you get time back as you age.

Portrait of woman in her sixties

Are there any myths you would like to bust about the over-40s? If so, can you tell us about them?

The biggest myth is that men age better than women. However, that is not true; rather, it is society that allows men to age and not women. I’m glad that this is pivoting, and we are now embracing women for who they are in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond. Beauty is ageless.

Feeling inspired?

Finally, are you ready to have photos of yourself that you love?

If you are a woman over the age of 50, you are invited to participate in the 50 over 50 project. To be part of this amazing transformational experience, visit the 50 OVER 50 PROJECT page in our website.

Limited spots are available. Don’t miss your chance to see yourself in a whole new light.

It is time to experience your photoshoot!


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